Ten Real World Tips to passing your PMP Certification Exam from certified PMPs.

Ten Real World Tips to passing your PMP Certification Exam from certified PMPs.

1. Use a lot of PMP Exam Practice Sites as practice makes perfect such as
2. Read books such as the Headfirst PMP 3rd Edition oreil.ly/1kqyIQT ,PMP Training Kit oreil.ly/1LG43qX etc {Disclosure-Paid Affiliate}
3. Visit your PMI website if you area a Member to get access to Question bank by Christopher Scordo – free for PMI members
4.  Develop your personal flash cards or memory juggers – formulas, concepts, and process groups
5. Take at least 3-5 online mock exams,one immediately after your Training{we offer 35 contact hour Training},next one immediately after you have read through and the last one 1 week to your exam at a  minimum.
6. Create a Study Plan. This is a guide, to write in 2-6 months plan 2hrs – 6months or 6hours – 2months.
7. Practices over 1000 questions and score of 80% and above then go ahead to register for your exam.
8. Create a brain dump of 2 full pages of PMPOK formulas, lists and concepts. Reproduce this 2 times each night for the next 7 days prior to exams
9. Use memory techniques called Roman Rooms as there is a lot to memorize,find details
10.Keep calm,rest a day prior to your exam,arrive at least 2 hours to exam,write and PASS!
Have we assisted you on your PMP Certification exam journey? Kindly share with your network!


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