5 interesting facts about the PMI's PMP credential

5 interesting facts about the PMI's PMP credential

Did you know that ...

1.The world is spending 1/5 of its GDP (US $12 trillion) on projects this
year 2012 - and organizations that range from global businesses to
governments and NGOs have identified project management and skilled
project managers as the key to their success.

2.In a recent global survey of highest paying certifications, that the PMP
certification came 1st, ahead of other certifications such as ITIL vs2,
Certified Information Systems, Security Professional (CISSP), Cisco
Certified Voice Professional (CCVP), Microsoft Certified Solution
Developer (MCSD) etc, this is in addition to been rated as the fastest
growing certification in demand.

3.The PMP certification opens you up to global career opportunities.
Project Managers with the PMP credential have in the last one year
recorded an average of 15% salary increase post certification.

4.The PMP certification is recognised by business professionals around the
world as confirmation that your skills have met a demanding professional
standard and that you are familiar with the process and terminology for
effective project management.

5.With a focused plan, you can achieve the PMP certification in as little
as 60 days (2 months), this includes training, exam registration and exam

For details on how to kick start your journey towards the PMP Credential,email info@ritetracconsult.com.ng

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  1. http://ritetracpm.blogspot.in/2011/07/pmp-credential-timeline.html?showComment=1451318099130#c9024553662735009902

  2. There are many more benefits of pursuing Six Sigma Certification in USA It draws out the hidden skills and increase your market value that can be much beneficial for the future.


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