100 Project Management Tactics from across Nigeria

In our great country Nigeria we have found out that years go by without much improvements in the delivery and implementation of our National Projects;hence we record loads of failed projects time and time again.

In other parts of the world that are Project Management mature the reverse is the case.

This post is calling on Certified Project Management Practitioners from across the 36 states of the federation to contribute to a FREE eBook titled "100 Project Management Tactics from across Nigeria" this e-BOOK would help to create a reservoir of good/best practices that can improve how we deliver our projects most of the time.

This is a Corporate Social Initiative from Ritetrac Consulting Nigeria Ltd.

Note:Contributors names and details would be protected

Launch Date:January 31st,2013


1.Step One: Create your concise 1,500 words count contribution in Font type:Arial narrow Size 12 with details of a.Your Name b.No of years Certified(**No specific mention of names and companies)

2.Step Two: Send in your contribution on or before December 15th,2012 to info@ritetracconsult.com.ng

3.Step Three: We will notify you if your contribution is selected on or before January 5th,2013.


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