Nigerian Entrepreneurs in the Project Management

1. Lets meet you?

With 20+ years experience in project management ranging from initiation, delivery and closure of numerous projects with an added advantage of integrating projects with lean-agile business operations using OPM3 Product Suite; my name is Lambert Ofoegbu, PMP, PMI-RMP, OPM3 Certifeid Professional,

I am a world class project management professional with ardent passion for volunteering towards propagation of Project Management best practices. I joined Project Management Institute in 2001, the Deputy Director of Projects in Year 2003 for Design-Procurement-Construction Specific Interest Group of PMI, USA; and Founded Nigeria Chapter of the Project Management Institute, USA in 2005 while I became the first VP Programs & Events. Recently I have been appointed to by PMI, USA to represent the African Continent in year 2011 OPM3 Professional Services Advisory Group.

I was the first Nigerian to be Trained/Certified by the Project Management Institute USA as an Organizational Project Management Maturity Model (OPM3) Assessor and Consultant using ‘OPM3 Product Suite’ for business analysis, assessment & improvement. I am also the first African to be certified as a Project Risk Management Professional (PMI-RMP) after a volunteer participation in Cut Score Study/Difficulty Rating and passing the PMI-RMP exam in Philadelphia USA (Nov., 2008). Among a coacktail of academic qualifications, I am a certified enterprienuer by virtues of the 4th session of Owner Manager Program (OPM 4) of Lagos Business School, Pan African University.

Currently, I am the Principal Consultant & Editor in chief - PM Foresight Nigeria Limited (publishers of PMForesight Magazine) and a Ph.D. scholar in Project Management.

2. What’s the buzz all about the PM Foresight Project'?

PMforesight as a special interest quarterly magazine of project management perspectives in Africa. It materialized to bridge the gap of credible, balanced information about projects and businesses in Africa.

3. What are the Magazines' selling points?

Our main selling points are the coverage of insights into projects in every enterprise across the African continent and working with the three PMI chapters in Africa and other credible project management initiatives to spread the African Project Management idea. Currently we have a distribution of 10,000 copies in Nigeria and a current distribution of 2000 copies in South Africa and other countries.

4. What methodologies did you use to have such a successful project?

Project Management Institute's PMBOK.

5. Any 'Lessons learnt' along the way?

Project Management is an indispensable tool for business results. Project risk management is not an optional activity across the entire project management processes.

6. Nigeria’s environment as we hear is not enabling? How did you cope with our environment?

The Nigerian environment is nothing but enabling. The cost of printing the magazines alone is enough discouragement with printing companies running on generators almost 24 hours round the clock, which makes the cost astronomical.

7. What turns you on creatively? And what activity could you do all daylong without getting bored?

I get excited when I have been able to get round what seemed to be a knotty issue. That really spurs me on. Aside from staying home with my family, I can play golf all daylong without getting bored.

8. What do you want to be remembered for?

Selfless contributions to propagation of project management goodnews towards developmental success in Africa.
9. Any tips for young upcoming entrepreneurs?

Pay attention to details. Pay attention to resourceful self development.

10. Lastly how can our readers contact you?

I can be contacted by email.

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