Why I wrote Lessons Learned Managing Projects in Nigeria

   Why I wrote Lessons Learned Managing 
Projects in Nigeria 

Lessons Learned Managing Projects in Nigeria Why this Book? I wrote this because Nigeria is a unique and special environment to run your Projects. A lot comes to play whenever we have Projects here. We hear these stories every day all around us especially in our Organization Ritetrac Consulting where in the past decade we have trained,mentored and coached thousands of Project Managers in Nigeria and in the Diaspora. A lot of success stories where Project Management best practices were applied and a lot of failures where their was no form of control/management of Project outcomes. Trillions of Naira are lost and its quite painful especially in our developing country where we need all the Health Care Projects,Food Projects ,Road Projects,Rail Projects,Education Projects,Mobile Technology Technology etc that we can get.
This is not to say we are not trying.We are not there yet in our Project Management Maturity but we are getting there gradually.
Lessons Learned Managing Projects in Nigeria is not a textbook.Writing a book of this magnitude needed me to think outside the box and crowd source Stories from over 40+ everyday Project Managers. These real life stories will truly inspire you to creating an approach that will see your Projects more successful.
We are excited to announce that Pre-Orders are now open to purchase the eBook at 50% off the Normal Price. [Plus Free access to our Project Managers Chatbox Facebook Group]
Normal Cost: 4,000Naira [October 1st 2017]
Pre-Order Cost: 2,000Naira [August 17th 2017- September 30th 2017]
To Pre-Order Purchase here http://bit.ly/LessonsLearnedeBookPreorder
or pay to the Bank with details
Bank: Guaranty Trust Bank Plc
Account Name: Ritetrac Consulting Nigeria Ltd.
Account No: 0023331797
All Pre-ordered eBooks will be delivered to their owners between the 1st-2nd Week of October 2017.
This eBook will also be available on Amazon from October 1st,2017 and subsequently you can also order a Hard Copy [Watch out for more details soon]
You can access a Free Chapter of this eBook here http://bit.ly/freechapterlessonslearned
We will be having a Virtual Launch Event on the 26th of October 2017 to showcase the work to the world.
Share this out to your friends that manage Projects in Nigeria with the Hashtag #lessonslearnednaijaprojects
Exciting days are ahead for Nigeria!
Ojiugo Ajunwa MBA,PMP
Author -Lessons Learned Managing Projects in Nigeria
Ritetrac Consulting Nigeria Ltd.


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