Why I wrote Lessons Learned Managing Projects in Nigeria

Why I wrote Lessons Learned Managing Projects in Nigeria Lessons Learned Managing Projects in Nigeria Why this Book? I wrote this because Nigeria is a unique and special environment to run your Projects. A lot comes to play whenever we have Projects here. We hear these stories every day all around us especially in our Organization Ritetrac Consulting where in the past decade we have trained,mentored and coached thousands of Project Managers in Nigeria and in the Diaspora. A lot of success stories where Project Management best practices were applied and a lot of failures where their was no form of control/management of Project outcomes. Trillions of Naira are lost and its quite painful especially in our developing country where we need all the Health Care Projects,Food Projects ,Road Projects,Rail Projects,Education Projects,Mobile Technology Technology etc that we can get. This is not to say we are not trying.We are not there yet in our ...