Ten Real World Tips to passing your PMP Certification Exam from certified PMPs.

Ten Real World Tips to passing your PMP Certification Exam from certified PMPs. 1. Use a lot of PMP Exam Practice Sites as practice makes perfect such as http://www.ittoday.info/pmp/examhome.html http://www.pass-4-sure.com/pmp-notes.html http://edward-designer.com/web/pmp-study-resources-pmbpk-pmp-guide-plus-practice-exams http://liprof.com http://www.examcentral.net http://shop.rmcls.com http://www.pmtraining.com 2. Read books such as the Headfirst PMP 3 rd Edition oreil.ly/ 1kqyIQT ,PMP Training Kit oreil.ly/ 1LG43qX etc {Disclosure-Paid Affiliate} 3. Visit your PMI website if you area a Member to get access to Question bank by Christopher Scordo – free for PMI members 4. Develop your personal flash cards or memory juggers – formulas, concepts, and process groups 5. Take at least 3-5 online mock exams,one immediately after your Training{we offer 35 contact hour Training},next one immediately after you have read through and the last one 1 we...