
Welcome to #NigerianProjectClinics a Free Twit Chat event:
Are you on Twitter?

If so then participate with us on 29-02-2012 from (10am-1pm) West African Time at this Twit Chat Event! Follow our hastag #NigerianProjectClinics for this twitter event.

We are on Twitter @ritetracconsult
I am starting something new that will help you get more best practice Knowledge on managing your Projects especially here in Nigeria.
I'm asking you to ask me the tough questions.
As a Project Management coach and consultant,
I help people navigate their way through the tough Project Management challenges they may be facing.
People seem to have so many great questions that I thought
I'd try doing this event to tackle the much we can during the twit chat event.
You can prepare ahead of time by emailing your questions to info@ritetracconsult.com.ng today with

  • Your burning question about doing a WBS(Work Breakdown Structure)
  • Your burning question about Managing Stakeholders
  • Your burning question about Risk Management
  • Any question about Contract Types to use for Procurements.
  • Any question about what to report to Stakeholders on Projects
  • Your burning question about getting Project Management Training
  • Any question that could help you achieve your goals through the use of a PMO(Project Management Office)
I'm prepared to answer them all to help YOU get your Projects successfully done!
I figure the best way to help is to go straight to the people.
Hope my inbox can handle it. I'm ready to help you demystify tough Project Management Issues you may be facing.
It's your time and your turn to be heard.

Ojiugo Ajunwa MBA,PMP
Project Management Consultant/Trainer
Ritetrac Consulting Nigeria Limited


  1. thank you Ojiugo for this excellent initiative.
    please how can one be part of it if one is not on twitter?
    kind regards,

  2. Its only via Twitter,once you register your profile follow the hashtag #NigerianProjectClinics and participate with your questions etc


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