6 ways to easily pass your PMP Exams in Nigeria.

6 ways to easily pass the PMP® Exams in Nigeria.
1.       Attend Classroom or Multimedia (Virtual)Training
2.       Apply for your PMP exams offline then come back online to fill in the forms
3.       PMP Exam Success Series: Bootcamp Manual or Head First PMP + PMBOK 4th Edition
4.       Take out time to study
5.       Practice like the real exams using PMP Practice Simulated Exams
6.       Go in and PASS the exams on 1st Try!
What to do?

Ø Attend Classroom or Multimedia (Virtual) Training ask us how by visiting www.ritetracconsult.com.ng today!

Ø Apply for your PMP exams offline then come back online on www.pmi.org to fill in the forms easily. Request a free template by emailing info@ritetracconsult.com.ng

Ø Acquire PMP Exam Success Series: Bootcamp Manual or the Head First PMP +PMBOK 4th Edition
Easily acquiring the books today by sending an email to info@ritetracconsult.com.ng.  Once payments have been made expect to get the books shipped to you in 10-20 business days depending on your location.
       Read one chapter a night and answer the chapter review questions

Ø Take out time to study
Rome as they say wasn’t built in a day, take time to draw up a time table that is feasible but not over stretched, plan your work, then work your plan.

Ø Practice like the real exams using PMP Practice Simulated Exams
Once you have completely read the book, take your first PMP practice exam. Calculate your score to see if you passed the 61% mark. If you passed, Congratulations!!! But don’t be in a hurry to take the exam yet, there are still some steps to follow. If you didn't, don't worry, I didn't pass my first practice exam either, but I still went on to pass the real exam on my first attempt.
I recommend our partners product the PM Exam Simulator®  for online real time, exam simulation which you can access from anywhere in the world.
If you find you need more exam simulators then email us on info@ritetracconsult.com.ng for more affordable quotes.
Re-read Head First PMP book or any of the books you now prefer using the same method of covering one chapter a night and answering the review questions. Pay close attention to the sections you didn't do so strongly in. Note them for further studies. Take your second PMP Practice exam. I recommend you visit www.ritetracpm.blogspot.com for free PMP exam questions today.  These are the closest, free exams we could find on the internet that actually simulates the real exam.
Print out your mock exam attempts and place a red marker by the side of the questions you answered incorrectly and study these questions the next time exclusively to reduce time spent in studying. The simulators have an edge in analyzing the answers for you.
Register and take the real PMP exam within 2 weeks of taking your second, third practice exams and scoring over 75-85%.

Ø Go in and PASS the exams on 1st Try! Take the exam and go out and celebrate passing the PMP Certification exam. Enhance your career; join local chapters of PMI in your location. Let’s hear your success stories!!!

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  1. Thank you for this enlightening information.
    i am David, an architect and lecturer at the university of Lagos.
    i am preparing for my prince 2 practitioner exams.
    i am now inspired to also do PMP.
    it would be nice if you can give a talk at UNILAG.
    have a nice week.
    kind regards,

  2. Hello David,thanks for your comment.Let me know more details at oajunwa@ritetracconsult.com.ng


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