How tough is the PMP certification exam?

I get people asking me everyother time about how tough the PMP Exams really is?

The PMI-PMP® exam is not an easy exam. It is a 4-hour, 200 question multiple choice exam. Out of these 200 questions you will have to answer 106 correctly in order to pass. However, candidates fail. It happens every day.

After the exam you will be handed a score report, that doesn’t just show that you failed, it also shows a percentage breakdown of your performance by process group (performance domain). Each of the six performance domains contains a different number of questions and is represented as a percentage. That way you can see in which process group you actually failed the exam. This is important information for you so that you can prepare properly for next time.
The exam can be very tough if you are not well prepared before going to write.Of a necessiity have a study plan.

Below are some 13 strategies to pass at the first try:
1.You should memorize all formulas, especially the Earned Value and PERT.

2.Practice eliminating the completely implausible options first.

3.There is no penalty for guessing; thus, do not leave any question blank.

4.There will always be those situations where you have no idea what the question is asking. Use educated guessing to select the most appropriate option. Remember, you have only 80 seconds for each question. If you do not know the answer of a question, mark it and move on and revisit it later if you have time.

5.Answer the questions based on the PMBOK concepts first, then consider your experience. If they are in conflict, the PMBOK wins.

6.Using a PMP Exam Prep book and reading the PMBOK Guide are two necessary ingredients, but not all it takes to pass
7.The best source for all your questions about the PMP exam is always the PMP Credentials Handbook. You can find it here:

8.Try as many practice tests as you can get your hands on -Do plenty of free online practise exams (Head first, Lehman etc.)

9.Answer all questions the PMI way and passed-Forget what you know of PM. Only the PMI perspective matters.

10. Memorize Tools/Techniques. Grouping helps.

11 Stick to your study plan remove all distractions
12. Remember study hard, understand the content and practice test exams. Don't get fooled into thinking because you have 20 years in project management the exam will be a breeze. You probably will learn a lot well studying.. and that is half the value to me.

13.There are 200 questions and mostly situational and descriptive. There are four options as answer. The answers are tricky and you may find all answers correct. The real challenge is choosing the most correct answer.

*Of the 200 questions, 25 are dummy questions, which means that they don’t add to your score even if you answer them correct. So there are only 175 valid questions.

* The pass percentage is unknown and PMI don’t reveal this from PMBOK 4th edition. It is a qualitative approach and the score for each question can be different.

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