Project Management Mentoring

Hello CEO's, does your staff members require Project Management Mentoring ? Do you know Project Management skills has been proven to deliver business results across various industries. Send in your 'Nominees' for a 4 -months duration mentoring sessions with our seasoned certified Project Management Professionals,ask for more details by emailing or visiting our website Entries close by January 30th 2013. Mentoring sessions begins February 1st 2013. Be Project Management Savvy! Finally… And now, to my readers – I hope you enjoyed reading our article? Thanks for reading. Before you go, I’d like you to do 3 things for us: 1. Connect with us: Find us on Facebook (hit the 'like' button when you get there) Find us on Twitter (if you follow us, we will follow you back) 2. Share this article: Help a friend learn more about Project Management from Ritetrac Consulting. Kindly email it to a friend, tweet i...